We help employers create inclusive workplace culture.

What We Do


Facilitation involves guiding a group through a curated agenda to meet the goals of the day. We facilitate a number of different events including staff retreats, board retreats and leadership retreats.


We work with individuals on a 1:1 basis to help them work through workplace challenges as well as cultivate their management style to be most supportive of the group that they lead.


Our practice is rooted in creating a holistic talent strategy through a DEI lens. We aid employers in understanding where they are along the path to cultivating an inclusive workplace culture and becoming an anti-oppressive organization.



Fair Chance Hiring

After decades of building high barriers to employment for people with past convictions, companies are increasingly recognizing that there is a motivated and productive talent pool waiting on the sidelines. Fair Chance Hiring helps maximize access to talent for employers while ensuring that past convictions do not prevent qualified people from joining the workforce.

Events + Retreats

Facilitated events, Lunch and Learns, and staff retreats help give staff the space to explore a variety of topics while bringing folks together to explore various engaging DEI topics.

Podcasts + Media

From speaking engagements and panels, to podcasts and book quotes, here you can tune in to thought-provoking conversations that inform, engage, and challenge different perspectives.